Information Regarding Payment for Robertson Premedical Advising, LLC Services

You may choose to have your work with Sylvia invoiced in one of two ways. These are outlined below.

Option 1: Hourly Fee Invoice

In choosing this option you will be invoiced at the agreed hourly fee, charged in 6-minute increments.  The first invoice will be emailed after the appointment which follows the no-fee Initial Consultation. You will be invoiced in this manner for the time in appointments, email response time, research time, interview preparation, and essay edit time. 

Option 2: Package Plan Invoice

In choosing this option you will be invoiced at the package fee of $8000. This invoice will be emailed after the appointment which follows the no-fee Initial Consultation. 

Invoices are generally created on the first, tenth, and twentieth of each month.  Statements are emailed for any unpaid balance.

All fees may be paid in installments. It is most helpful to share with the Office Manager your plan for payment.

Payments can be made by credit card in the Payment for Services link in the footer of the website.

Payments can also be made by check.  Contact the Office Manager for the appropriate address.

Please contact the Office Manager at with any questions.