Robertson Premedical Advising, LLC Services, and Fees

Premedical advising appointments are available by phone and online meeting tools.  At a client’s request, efforts will be made to facilitate an in-person appointment. 

Initial Intake Conversation - will be available again in mid-September
This appointment is offered without charge and is designed to determine if Robertson Premedical Advising services will be helpful in achieving your goals.  At the end of this appointment, we will hope to have a plan for how we will work together and an estimate of the cost. While this appointment is not required it is encouraged.

Appointments are available at an hourly fee of $700, billed in 6-minute increments.  Listed below are some of the potential discussion topics for our premedical advising appointments. Many of these topics are relevant for the medical school application cycle as well as for special masters and post-bac applications.  

Motivation for a Career in Medicine
Application Timing and Readiness
Personal Statement
AMCAS Experiences
Secondary Application
Application Strategy
Interview Preparation
Decision Making for Medical School Choice

I am also open to using an unlimited Package Plan of $8000 for applicants and families who find that to be helpful.

Fee Assistance is available for all who have been approved for the AMCAS Fee Assistance Program.  Please inquire through an email to

If you are unable to afford a private premedical advising service and do not have access to an adviser at your undergraduate institution, the following service is available from the National Association of Health Professions Advisors:


Contact Robertson Premedical Advising, LLC at to discuss consultation, review, or group advising needs.